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How to Ensure Spousal Benefits Are Applied When Filing for Social Security

full retirement age (fra) hey marc! spousal benefits Oct 12, 2022

We have a client who filed and started receiving his benefits about a year ago.  His wife is going to now apply for hers, as she will be 62 this year. His benefit at FRA is more than 2xs hers at her FRA. They are applying online.  As they go through the app process online, there is no link or section to plug in his information. They want to be sure that any spousal benefits are received by her on his record.  Does this automatically happen (deemed filing), or is there another form that they will have to fill out to get those benefits?  They were also hoping that there was a way, online to view those benefits/estimate of what they would be as she goes thru the filing process, and they didn’t see anything as they were filling it out.  They set up a time to go into their local office because a representative couldn’t give them answers to some these questions.

When your client’s wife applies for Social Security benefits online, she will need to enter her husband’s date of birth and Social Security Number (SSN) in the marriage section of the application. This information allows the Claims Specialist processing the application to review her eligibility for spousal benefits based on her husband’s work record.

The spousal benefit will be automatically considered during the application process due to the "deemed filing" rule, which requires her to claim all benefits she is eligible for when she applies. However, it’s a good idea to include a remark in the comments section of the application stating that she is applying for her retirement benefits and any spousal benefits she may be entitled to.

Unfortunately, the online application does not provide an option to view or estimate the spousal benefit amount during the filing process. The exact amount will be determined by the Social Security Administration and shared with them when her application is processed.

Setting up a time to visit their local Social Security office is a wise decision, as a representative there can provide detailed answers and confirm that all steps have been properly completed.

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