The Benefits Blog

The Benefits Blog provides expert insights, updates, and strategies on Social Security and Medicare, tailored for financial professionals looking to enhance their knowledge and better serve their clients. Stay informed with the latest developments and tips to maximize benefits for your clients.

Estimating Social Security Benefits for a Divorced Client with a State Pension ex-spousal benefit government pension offset (gpo) hey marc! primary insurance amount (pia) spousal benefits windfall elimination provision (wep) Nov 24, 2022

Hope all is well. I have a case that I’m working on right now where I’m trying to estimate a clients social security benefit. Could you possibly help point me in the right direction. Here’s info about the client

  • She just turned age 65 and is divorced (divorce happened more than 2 years ago) and...

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Impact of WEP on Spousal Social Security Benefits full retirement age (fra) hey marc! primary insurance amount (pia) spousal benefits windfall elimination provision (wep) May 11, 2022

If Roger (born 09/01/1950) has a non-covered pension and drawing less in SS because of WEP , does that affect Ann’s SS? I am thinking Ann (born 08/07/1956) should take hers at FRA which is 66 & 4 months and would receive 50% of Roger’s unadjusted SS. Do you agree?  And what date should she use when ...

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Canadian Citizen’s Eligibility for U.S. Spousal Benefits full retirement age (fra) government pension offset (gpo) hey marc! spousal benefits windfall elimination provision (wep) May 06, 2021

We have a client couple who lived in Canada for several years and then moved to the US and have been living here for the last 10 years. The wife is a Canadian citizen with Canadian work history and Canadian Social Security benefits. She is working in the US and plans to work to get a 10-year work hi...

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Will a Survivor Government Pension Affect Social Security Benefits? government pension offset (gpo) hey marc! windfall elimination provision (wep) Sep 08, 2020

I believe that I am WAY overthinking this, but I have a situation where a client (John) is collecting a government pension of $90k/annual – no SS benefits, a government job his whole life.  Hi spouse (Jane) worked and is collecting SS of $2,300/month. There is a survivor benefit payout of 60% for th...

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Navigating Social Security for Dual Citizens: USA, Switzerland, Italy hey marc! windfall elimination provision (wep) Sep 20, 2019

Do you have knowledge or experience in dealing with someone who is a citizen of multiple countries (in my client’s case USA, Switzerland, and Italy) that can collect both US Social Security as well as Swiss Social Security? I have documentation for both and am trying to think through the details. Na...

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Understanding U.S. and Australian Social Security Benefits & WEP hey marc! windfall elimination provision (wep) Sep 05, 2018

I have a client who hasn’t reached the 40 credits yet with his US SSA. He is also eligible for an Australian SSA benefit as well. I read through the SSA Australian agreement answered some questions but was wondering if he collects the US SSA and an Australian government benefit is there some interna...

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