The Benefits Blog
The Benefits Blog provides expert insights, updates, and strategies on Social Security and Medicare, tailored for financial professionals looking to enhance their knowledge and better serve their clients. Stay informed with the latest developments and tips to maximize benefits for your clients.
I have a client that we are working with who has questions about her widow benefit. The husband passed away, and the wife is age 58 and is eligible to receive a widow’s benefit at age 60. Her FRA is 67. I looked back on the NSSA training and found that deemed filing does NOT apply. Doesn’t this mean...
We have a client that is getting some advice from Ohio SERS regarding a lump sum distribution and its impact on her SSA benefits that I am not sure that I agree with. SERS is advising that she retire early to get the lump sum out prior to her benefit eligibility date. They are claiming if this path...
I am delivering a SS presentation at our firm’s annual holiday client brunch (500 people – mostly retired and approaching retirement age). I would like to design a “MYTH BUSTERS” style presentation around SS. If you have a moment, what are the top SS MYTHS that I can “de-bunk/bust” for the audience?...
Scenario is a married couple where the husband is working, and the wife, age 63, is unable to work and currently receiving $300/month from SSDI. Can the disabled spouse qualify for a spousal benefit from the husband’s PIA?
Assuming her husband begins his retirement benefit, the disabled spouse, she...
I know in the NSSA® class in Kansas City you said that someone could still do a Claim and Suspend (really means Restricted Application!) on a Divorced spouse. I think I had it come up recently at a SS workshop, asking if a person could do a Restricted application on a Divorced spouse.
Yes, a divorc...
I have a client who is unable to download his XML files from He currently has filed for, and was approved for, disability benefits due to start in February (although he did just get a call saying his claim was rejected – that might be a whole other issue!). Anyhow, I know the SSA system i...
I have someone who was told by SSA that if she took SSA based on her spouse’s record, she would be able to receive $3,000 vs her own record of $2,000 but SSA was unable to verify SSA said she would have to retire first and then come back for the real numbers.Â
In this situation, it appears that the...
Someone asked me if his wife could buy credits to hit the 40 needed for social security. Is that a thing? Seems unrealistic to me and everything I’ve read suggests that is incorrect.
No, Social Security credits cannot be purchased. Credits are earned only through income from work. The Social Securi...