The Benefits Blog

The Benefits Blog provides expert insights, updates, and strategies on Social Security and Medicare, tailored for financial professionals looking to enhance their knowledge and better serve their clients. Stay informed with the latest developments and tips to maximize benefits for your clients.

How to Correct Bank Information After Applying for Social Security hey marc! social security applications Jan 25, 2021

We have a client who recently applied for Social Security online and after it was complete, realized he entered an old bank routing number and account. Do you know the quickest and most efficient way for him to get that changed? He isn’t starting payments until April, so he should have plenty of tim...

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How to Identify and Handle Potential Social Security Scams After a Spouse's Death hey marc! Dec 17, 2020

A client recently lost his spouse and now he’s wondering if he got scammed. Does this sound legit?  About a month ago he got a letter from the Social Security Administration saying that there were funds remaining that had been unpaid to Shirley (deceased) and that they needed information from him in...

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Can Returning to Work Affect Social Security Disability and Future Retirement Benefits? hey marc! primary insurance amount (pia) social security disability spousal benefits Nov 27, 2020

If I have a client who was permanently disabled and was drawing disabled benefits based upon his prior salaried employment, but then returned to work as a self-employed individual, would he still be eligible for SS benefits upon retirement based off his years as a salaried employee? Would they still...

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Can TRS Members Claim Spousal Benefits While Still Working? full retirement age (fra) government pension offset (gpo) hey marc! spousal benefits teacher retirement system (tra) Nov 06, 2020

If a person is still working and is paying into TRS (Teacher Retirement System of Texas), they cannot not take spousal or ex-spousal benefits? A new client thinks she can take her ex-spouse benefits while working and not receiving the government pension. She is FRA.

Your new client can indeed take ...

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Is an Executor Liable for a Deceased’s Social Security Overpayment? hey marc! Oct 02, 2020

We have a client who is the executor of an estate. They just received a notice from Social Security administration, stating that the decedent owes Social Security money for payments received prior to his death. The letter states that the executor is liable if the estate cannot pay. The letter also s...

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Earnings Limit and Widow(er) Benefits: What You Need to Know earnings test full retirement age (fra) hey marc! widower benefit Sep 16, 2020

We have a client who is 61 and was recently widowed.  She is still working, and not sure about her official retirement. Can you refresh my memory on how they rectify benefits if she begins collecting and then exceeds the earnings limit? I seem to remember it eventually being adjusted for any months ...

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Will a Survivor Government Pension Affect Social Security Benefits? government pension offset (gpo) hey marc! windfall elimination provision (wep) Sep 08, 2020

I believe that I am WAY overthinking this, but I have a situation where a client (John) is collecting a government pension of $90k/annual – no SS benefits, a government job his whole life.  Hi spouse (Jane) worked and is collecting SS of $2,300/month. There is a survivor benefit payout of 60% for th...

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Understanding Retroactive Social Security Benefits and Why They May Not Be Offered Automatically full retirement age (fra) hey marc! retroactive benefits Aug 05, 2020

I applied for benefits in December, 2023 at age 68.  A friend turned 67 on January 23rd, 2024.  He will pull his SS shortly; however, he will receive a lump-sum payment of $15,000 for 6-months of Retroactive Benefits. (Marc – Not sure if 6 months is available as retro period cannot precede FRA.)  My...

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What Happens to Medicare Premiums If Social Security Benefits Are Withheld? hey marc! medicare Jul 08, 2020

We have a client who is planning to go back to work and will be earning over the limit for the annual earnings test. He understands that SSA will reduce his benefits in the first months of the calendar year based on the estimated earnings he reports. His question to me is what happens with his Medic...

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How VA Disability Benefits Affect Your Social Security Payments hey marc! va va disability veteran’s benefits Jun 10, 2020

The VA has determined that I am now entitled to disability benefits as a result of my service in Viet Nam. My question is how these new benefits will affect my current payments of Social Security Benefits.  Currently my monthly benefits are;  Social Security monthly payment $3,600.90 minus my medica...

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