The Benefits Blog
The Benefits Blog provides expert insights, updates, and strategies on Social Security and Medicare, tailored for financial professionals looking to enhance their knowledge and better serve their clients. Stay informed with the latest developments and tips to maximize benefits for your clients.
His wife who was born 12/20/57 is getting $1100/m from SS Disability. Once Ron starts his SS at 66.8 will she be entitled to almost half of his FRA amount? Or since she is on SS disability it changes things?
When Ron starts his Social Security benefits at age 66 and 8 months, his wife, who is curre...
Are there any circumstances or instances in which someone can collect survivors benefits retroactively before their own FRA? I was not aware of any, but I read something in a Social Security guide from Fisher Investments that indicated that this could happen.
Yes, there are specific circumstances ...
We have a client who is still working but thinking about beginning S.S. next year. Will be below FRA making $24,000 annually. Assuming the limit is $22,000 at that time, will SSA withhold $1,000 of her SS benefit? Mechanically how does that work? Do they withhold all at once or over the year? How/wh...
My client has been dealing with social security for the last year trying to correct an error she had selected when applying for Social Security. When asked if she was receiving a pension she accidentally marked Yes, instead of no. It’s been over a year with her going into social security, sending in...
If the person takes the FERS supplement at age 60, does that technically count as starting the pension and GPO will apply to the widow benefit? Or can the person collect the widow benefit at 60 with no GPO reduction and collect the supplement?
If an individual under the Federal Employees Retirement...
I have a client who hasn’t reached the 40 credits yet with his US SSA. He is also eligible for an Australian SSA benefit as well. I read through the SSA Australian agreement answered some questions but was wondering if he collects the US SSA and an Australian government benefit is there some interna...
I read an article that says that someone with a military background, mostly National Guard or Reserve forces, are eligible for additional SS wage credits added to their earnings record.
Yes, individuals with a military background, particularly those who served in the National Guard or Reserve force...
I have a 69-year-old who began taking SS at 66. He is still working and making more money than ever before – $200,000 per year. He’s made that kind of money since beginning SS. At what point does SS adjust his deck of 35 highest income years? I would have thought this would be every year, but he ...
If someone has a State/Government job and is not having SS withheld from their paycheck, are they still subject to the earnings test if they collect SS they earned base off their work record?
Yes, individuals with State or Government jobs who do not have Social Security (SS) withheld from their pay...