The Benefits Blog

The Benefits Blog provides expert insights, updates, and strategies on Social Security and Medicare, tailored for financial professionals looking to enhance their knowledge and better serve their clients. Stay informed with the latest developments and tips to maximize benefits for your clients.

How to File for Disability Benefits if You Can No Longer Work full retirement age (fra) hey marc! primary insurance amount (pia) Jan 04, 2023

I have a married female client Annette born 6/1958, who is undergoing 8 week spinal treatment and then possible back surgery.  The doctors are saying this has a 50% chance of success.  If she cannot work due to this pain, what is the best approach or process for filing for Disability?  Is getting an...

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How Delayed Retirement Credits (DRCs) Affect Your Social Security Benefits delayed retirement credits (drc) hey marc! Jan 04, 2023

I have a question about starting retirement benefits after FRA. I understand that if someone turns 68 in February 2023 and they start benefits any time after FRA month in 2023, then the monthly benefit amount will not increase for DRCs. Individual will only receive his/her PIA. For example, if you d...

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Does a Refund from Texas Teachers Retirement Avoid GPO and WEP? government pension offset (gpo) hey marc! program operations manual system (poms) windfall elimination provision (wep) Dec 14, 2022

We have a client in Texas that is an educator, paying into the Texas State Teachers Retirement fund. She is planning to retire in 2025 and is being told by an advisor in Texas that if she takes a refund of her retirement account and makes a planned move to Arizona after retirement, this severs her s...

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Impact of Earnings on Social Security Benefits for a Widow and Her Children annual earnings test (aet) benefits for minors family maximum hey marc! widow benefit Dec 02, 2022

A woman referred to me whose husband passed in November at age 46. She is also age 46. She is scheduled to collect SS for her two kids ages 11,13. She isn’t currently working. She will go back in 2023.  Will her earnings affect the SS her children receive?

In this situation, the woman's earnings wi...

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Estimating Social Security Benefits for a Divorced Client with a State Pension ex-spousal benefit government pension offset (gpo) hey marc! primary insurance amount (pia) spousal benefits windfall elimination provision (wep) Nov 24, 2022

Hope all is well. I have a case that I’m working on right now where I’m trying to estimate a clients social security benefit. Could you possibly help point me in the right direction. Here’s info about the client

  • She just turned age 65 and is divorced (divorce happened more than 2 years ago) and...

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Deciding Between Disability and Retirement Benefits Near Full Retirement Age full retirement age (fra) hey marc! social security disability Oct 28, 2022

My sister-in-law turned 66 on August 15, 2022 and will reach full retirement age on December 15. She is currently in a residential Mental health facility but will be released tomorrow. She has not applied for Social Security benefits and the psychiatrist is telling her to apply for Social Security d...

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Filing for Social Security at Full Retirement Age (FRA) full retirement age (fra) hey marc! Oct 17, 2022

If someone is planning on filing at the FRA and their FRA is March 6, 2023, should they file before that date or on that date? When would their first check be received?

When someone reaches their Full Retirement Age (FRA) on March 6, 2023, they should ideally file for their Social Security benefits...

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How to Ensure Spousal Benefits Are Applied When Filing for Social Security full retirement age (fra) hey marc! spousal benefits Oct 12, 2022

We have a client who filed and started receiving his benefits about a year ago.  His wife is going to now apply for hers, as she will be 62 this year. His benefit at FRA is more than 2xs hers at her FRA. They are applying online.  As they go through the app process online, there is no link or sectio...

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Does Deemed Filing Apply to Child-in-Care and SSDI Benefits? deemed filing hey marc! Oct 04, 2022

Does deemed filing does apply to child in care (young mothers/young fathers) and SSDI?

Deemed filing rules do not apply to child-in-care benefits or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). Here’s how deemed filing works and why it’s different for these types of benefits:

  1. Deemed Filing Ove...

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Social Security Benefits for Children Under 18 benefits for minors hey marc! primary insurance amount (pia) social security benefits Sep 07, 2022

I have a client who has 3 kids under 18 –> 8, 11, 13.  Do you have to claim kids on taxes to be able to claim for SS benefits?  What do those benefits look like for him? His SS benefit at 67 is $2,765.

Your client’s children do not need to be claimed on his tax returns to be eligible for Social Sec...

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